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Keeping You Safe During Covid-19 New York, NY

In these uncertain times, patient and staff safety is of the utmost concern at Park Avenue Ambulatory Surgery Center. Rest assured we have taken every precaution necessary to deliver high-quality care in a COVID-19-free environment, minimizing patient and staff exposure to infection.

Our New York City-based facility is a controlled space, staffed by fully vaccinated staff who are trained in the management and prevention of infection. Providing exceptional infection control precautions is a daily way of life at Park Avenue Ambulatory Surgery Center.

Please take note of the additional steps we are taking to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients and staff.

Our Patients

  • We pre-screen patients and their accompanying escort prior to arrival at the facility. We will reschedule any patient who does not meet our strict health guidelines.
  • Patients and their accompanying escort must wear a face mask at all possible times while in the facility.
  • Upon arrival to the facility, patients and their accompanying escort must sanitize their hands and have their temperature taken. Any patient or other visitor with a temperature over 101 degrees Fahrenheit will be isolated and surgery will be rescheduled. The exposed areas of the facility will undergo decontamination immediately.
  • Social distancing measures have been implemented, wherever possible.
  • Patients will be contacted prior to their procedure to review COVID-19 infection control protocols in the facility.
  • All patients must have a negative COVID-19 PCR test no more than five days prior to their surgery.

Our Staff

  • All facility staff members are fully vaccinated.
  • All facility staff self-monitor symptoms and temperature prior to arrival at the facility. If any staff member has a fever or COVID-19 symptoms they are instructed to remain home until symptoms resolve and/or a negative COVID-19 test is acquired.
  • All facility staff will undergo daily COVID-19 screenings and temperature checks upon arrival.
  • We have placed protective barriers between patients and staff wherever possible.
  • Social distancing measures have been implemented. This includes:
    • Limiting the number of patients in the facility at any given time
    • Spacing out chairs in the waiting room so they are at least six feet apart
    • Minimizing patient and staff contact points

Our Facility

  • Masks are worn by everyone while in the facility.
  • Ample protective equipment is available in the facility, including masks, N95 masks, protective coverings and protective eyewear.
  • Barriers are placed between patients and staff wherever possible.
  • Social distancing is observed wherever possible.
  • We adhere to nationally recommended best practices for a clean and safe facility.
  • We use EPA-registered cleaning products to clean the waiting area and high touch surfaces such as chairs, doorknobs, tabletops, countertops, handles, sinks and faucets.
  • Waiting rooms, restrooms and all patient areas are cleaned between every patient contact.
  • Tissues, masks and hand sanitizer are available throughout the facility.
  • Our cleaning procedures adhere to the most stringent guidelines outlined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and are regulated by our Safety Committee and our accreditation organization (AAAASF).